Vi to dla nas za mało, z pomocą przychodzi Vim.
Lubimy jak pliki tekstowe są czytelne i na wszystkich serwerach wyglądają tak samo.
set nocompatible
" Use VIM settings rather than Vi settings
" this *must* be first in .vimrc
set background=dark
" A dark background
set tabstop=4
" A tab character indents to the 4th column
set softtabstop=4
" Control how many columns vim uses when you hit Tab in insert mode
set shiftwidth=4
" Control how many columns text is indented with
" the reindent operations >>, << or ==
set shiftround
" Use multiple of shiftwidth when indenting with < and >
set expandtab
" Expand Tab with spaces
set nobackup
" Do not keep backup files
set nowritebackup
" Do not produces a backup during a write procedure
set noswapfile
" Do not produces a swap files
set history=700
" Keep 700 lines of command line history
set undolevels=700
" Set undo amount to 700
set number
" Show line numbers
filetype off
" Disable file type detection
filetype plugin indent on
" If filetype detection was not switched on yet, it will be as well
" This actually loads the file indent.vim in runtimepath
syntax on
" Turn on color syntax highlighting
set pastetoggle=<F12>
" F12: temporarily switch to paste mode
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" Allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
nnoremap <F4> :set list!<CR>
" F4: toggle list (display unprintable characters)
nnoremap <F3> :set nonumber!<CR>
" F3: turn off line numbers
map QQ :qa!<CR>
" QQ: quit all buffers, without saving, and without a warning
map XX :xa!<CR>
" XX: exit all (save all changes and close Vim), and without a warning
set hlsearch
" Highlight search terms
set incsearch
" Show search matches as you type
set ignorecase
"Ignore case when searching